Google Data Scientist Salary in USA (2023)

The median Google data scientist salary in USA is $274K. Top earners make well over $600K! Experience level, location, and education are factors that significantly influence compensation at Google. The highest paid positions need a PhD or niche industry specialization.

Google Data Scientist Salary Components

Total compensation at Google is comprised of a base salary, stock package, and bonus. The proportion of each component varies by job level, experience, location, and may change depending on how you negotiate your offer.

The average base salary is $178K, the average stock package is $73K, and the average bonus is $23K. Stock and bonuses may be as low as zero.

Google Benefits and Non-Monetary Compensation


The estimated monetary value of Google's non-monetary employee benefits is about $25K.

Benefits include free breakfast, lunch and dinner, fertility assistance, parental leave, and 5% off Google products. Google also offers 20 days of vacation each year.
  • 4 weeks vacation and public holidays
  • Unlimited sick time
  • Free breakfast, lunch, and dinner five days a week
  • Parental leave
  • 401K matching
  • 5% employee discount

Average Google Data Scientist Salaries

SourceLow %ileMedianHigh %ile

The above table shows Google data scientist salaries from sources across the web. These sources use different methods for collecting data, so vary in reliability. is the most accurate source as they enforce verification of compensation. Data may be biased as it is self reported by employees wanting to share their salary, and dates are not always published.

About Google

Google is a technology company that specializes in internet-related services and products. It was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University. Google is now a subsidiary of the company Alphabet.

Google is best known for its search engine, which is used by millions of people around the world to find information on the internet. Google's search engine is the most popular one in the world, and the company makes the majority of its revenue through advertising that appears alongside search results.

In addition to its search engine, Google offers a range of other products and services, including email, online maps, cloud storage, and mobile operating systems. The company also develops and sells hardware products, such as smartphones and laptops.

Google has a reputation for being a leader in innovation and has a strong culture of collaboration and creativity. The company has a global workforce and offices in numerous countries around the world. It is known for its perks and benefits for employees, such as free meals and on-site amenities.

As a large technology employer, Google employs many data scientists. While official numbers are not published, analysis of public employee social media profiles estimate that Google employs more than 900 data scientists!

In summary, the median Google data scientist salary for this community is approximately $274K!

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